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Support for addiction withdrawal

    Did you know that Cornwall Community Hospital supports individuals through substance-use withdrawal?

    Community Withdrawal Management Services in Cornwall, Ontario, provides individualized emotional and medically-supported  services through withdrawal from alcohol and drugs. This judgement-free care environment supports all methods of recovery and all paths on the road to recovery from substance abuse. Clients are able to choose on-site medically-supported care, outpatient support, or referral to off-site residential withdrawal care in Ottawa or Kingston.

    Each clients’ needs for stabilization in the community after withdrawal is also addressed, e.g. housing, food and medical assistance. Clients  also receive support with their transition to community living, with referrals to medical care, mental health care, counselling, and community education or recreation programs.

    There are three ways to access Cornwall Community Withdrawal Management Services:

    1. Immediate: Staff is available by phone to provide information between 8 am and 10 pm. Walk-in patients are welcome Monday to Friday, 8 am-4 pm, at Cornwall Hospital’s Community Addiction and Mental Health Centre (850 McConnell Avenue)
    2. By appointment: Call 613-938-8506 to schedule an appointment.
    3. By referral: Individuals seeking support with withdrawal from alcohol or drug use do not require a referral into this service but referrals are accepted from community service providers, nurse practitioners and physicians.

    If you or your loved one is experiencing medical complications associated with substance use withdrawal or is in need of emergency care for substance use, urgent care is available at Cornwall Hospital’s Emergency Department (840 McConnell Avenue).

    addiction recovery concept via dreamstime